June 08, 2008

Bush and Blasphemy.

In Daniel chapter seven, one of the greatest end times prophecies in the Bible, there is an account of a final global empire, unequaled in strength, which spawns a blasphemous king who wages war against the saints, and is the last emperor king to rule before the world is judged by God himself. . After the vision, Daniel begs for an interpretation, which an angel provides. The following is a summary of this passage Daniel 7:23-25:

“Thus he said:

‘ The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces.
America consumes approximately 24% of the energy and resources of the world, even though we have about 3% of it's population. In recent decades, the whole world has become "Americanized" to a degree in culture, and of course since we dropped our first atomic bomb, we have become an increasing threat to global peace. We help to establish dictatorships in countries around the world, as long as they are in line with our economic interests. We have military bases in a majority of countries around the world. Although the public would like to deny the fact that we are an empire...the "E" word is being used more and more frequently these days. The empire beast in Daniel 7 spawns ten horns (kings, or rulers):

The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom.

Now, Stephen Hanchett was the first to point this out, but the fact makes sense. From the time that we dropped the A-Bomb on Japan, we became the undisputed, strongest and deadliest empire-nation in the world. That happened during Truman's presidency. He was the first president to rule under America's new status. So we have ten horns:
1. Truman 2.Eisenhower 3.Kennedy 4.Johnson 5. Nixon 6.Ford 7.Carter 8.Reagan 9. Bush Sr. 10. Clinton...

And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings.
George W Bush is diverse from the other 10 presidents in many fashions. He is the only one to engage America in a holy war (as Bush himself called it, a "crusade"). He is also diverse by never being elected president by the vote of the people. Not in 2000, 2004, (and again, in 2008 when he upsets the next presidency by declaring martial law). This is what is meant by "he shall subdue three kings".

He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, He shall persecute (some translations: wear out) the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand

George W Bush; President of the United States of America (and the most aggressive warlord of the 21st century) is a professed "Born Again" Christian. There's a big problem with that. Whenever a man or woman proclaims to be a Christian, he or she becomes a living representation of Christ. This is one of the central pillars of Christianity. Jesus promises transformation and deliverance to all who truly believe in him. He leaves his mark on every person who has ever known him. So, to deny that power is to deny Christ. To pretend that you have been converted, when you continue on the same path you were on before your conversion is not just a lie, but a blasphemy.

This idea may seem radical to many believers, because it runs against the method of evangelism used today. Which boils the complexity, glory, and responsibility of our faith to a creed of ‘pray the sinners prayer, and confess that Christ is Lord with your lips to be saved’.
There are a lot of comparisons to be made between sales and evangelism. To get high numbers, you have to sell the people an idea that they're willing to buy. Transformation, sacrifice, and selflessness are hard sells. So rather than be upfront with people, and disclose that these sorts of things are promised in the fine print (otherwise known as scripture), we smooth over the wrinkles, and push the more palatable religion. Modern Evangelicals tell people "If you just say that Jesus is Lord, than you are saved, case closed. It’s that simple, just sign on the dotted line and you’re in. Don't worry about change; grace has you covered. It would be better if you became nicer, but that's really not necessary. Welcome aboard!". But, unfortunately for soft-sell evangelists, Jesus himself defined what it means to love him by saying, "If you love me, you will obey my commands".

Modern pseudo-Christianity has enslaved and blinded most believers in America. The powerful promise of being made new in Christ has been lost to the cause of winning more converts. It still amazes me that at this point, after all we’ve seen and been through, many evangelicals believe that "W" was being truthful when he said that Jesus "changed his heart", gave him the strength to stop drinking, and is now leading his life. What happened to discernment? Bible reading Christians that I know and have encountered recently still believe that it's impossible for Bush to be the Antichrist, because he "confesses Jesus as Lord". This is madness!

Are Christians supposed to follow George Bush (or any spiritual leader) unconditionally? Do leaders have moral immunity or are they held to higher accountability? Why do so many ignore Bush's actions; endorse his leadership without question; allow their children to worship his image...all because he says that he follows Jesus?! A lot of Christians are willing to do just that right now, for the sake of posterity, but this is exactly the sort of thing Jesus warned against in Matt 24:24-25:

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand."
Why are we more worried about saving face than we are about adhering to truth? Why aren’t church leaders separating themselves from Bush? Where is our allegiance: Is it to God, or to those that say they believe in God? According to Jesus: “even the devils believe and rightly tremble”, and “not all who call me ‘Lord Lord’ will belong to me”. We must distinguish between tradition and scripture. We must know the scriptures to see how traditions have gone off course. We must be active in our faith, or we will be swept away by deception.

Our modern tradition paints the Antichrist as an atheist who curses Jesus openly, while declaring war on and killing conservative Christians.

I am saying that the Antichrist is a professed Christian who curses Jesus by his true allegiance, serving a god of destruction while saying that he is representing the Prince of Peace. By doing this, he is essentially making war against the church in the spiritual realm; and as long as believers follow him instead of Christ, he prevails against them. Not to mention the Christian casualties of literal wars that have been declared by this leader.

Here are a few scriptures concerning the "Antichrist"and his Blasphemy:

Daniel 7:8, 25-27
"I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things."

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end."
Daniel 11:36-38
"The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts."
Is the Antichrist someone who will say that Jesus is not the true son of God with his mouth, or will he reveal that he believes Jesus is not the son of God with his actions, while preaching Christ at every opportunity? In either case, the speaker would be "Saying great and boastful things" that are against God. What would be the purpose of confessing that Jesus is Lord, while disobeying him, unless you are working to undermine his work? Long before Bush was even Born, Jesus said, “If you are not with me, you are against me”. He also said “if you are not against me, you are for me”, so he seems to take allegiance seriously, with no middle ground offered. If people aspire to obey his teachings, without knowing that Jesus taught them, they are working for Christ. On the other hand, if people disobey his teachings, even if they say they are following him, they are working against Christ.

The Antichrist is portrayed as a great deceiver, a liar. He will follow God with his lips, but not with his actions. And George Bush has used his religious rhetoric to gain and maintain support from millions of western Christians. The churches that refuse to admit that they were wrong to endorse Bush in the first place are now left spiritually confused. There is no Christian justice in seeking vengeance, in ignoring or even hurting the poor, or in persecuting people. To preach that Christ endorses this is to preach a false Christ, but the mainstream fold is continuing to refuse to point that out. Bush's leadership is poisoning the spirits of the sheep, and there are very few people who recognize that, or protest against it.

Bush’s rise to power began with sweeping and boastful bits of Christian endorsement and appeasement. Although these steps have long-since been forgotten by almost everyone in America, God has not forgotten them:

  • As Governor of Texas, in 2000, Bush declared June 10th to be "Jesus Day".

  • While campaigning for president he confided in at least one colleague that he "believed that God was calling him to run for president". When the vote came in, and it seemed that Al Gore would be the next president, did Bush take that as a sign from God? No. His campaign instead used dirty tricks, old favors, and fancy political footwork to catapult "W" into the Oval Office.

Since becoming president "W" has also spoken on numerous occasions of the "voice of God" which guides his every move in the oval office. Jesus said that "a bad tree cannot produce good fruit, and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit". Knowing that, it should be obvious that the One True God is not guiding the president. Further, if Bush does, in fact, follow the lead of an unearthly voice, it could be that he is taking orders directly from Lucifer (or it could be that he's insane; either case should make you very uncomfortable with his command over the world's largest Nuclear Arsenal). If he's lying and doesn't hear any voices, but just does whatever he wants to, he is still guilty of Blasphemy.

We must stop ignoring the warning signs that are clearly on display before us. We must stop dismissing his words as meaningless and merely foolish, or (dare I say it?) sincere. If you still believe that Bush is a sincere, truthful man, you are lying to yourself, and to others. The spiritual impact of the Bush rule as been a devastation to the gospel. For he is actually standing within the temple (that is, the body of Christ, being not a part of it himself) and proclaiming himself to be God (By pronouncing his judgment as nothing less than divinely inspired).

A person has one of only two reasons to promote Jesus as much as George W Bush has done. It could be that he/she is a genuine Christian, who respects Jesus as the King of Kings, and is transformed by the grace of God. This person's life will show the change that has taken place in their heart. They will be much more agreeable, loving, helpful, joyful, and caring than they once were. If there is no change, there is no power, and our faith is in vain. Also if the changes brought about by conversion are minimal, and only on the surface, we have strong reason to suspect that the conversion isn’t genuine. We are commanded to test spirits and be on our guards. Let us obey that command!

The only other reason for the boastful promotion that George Bush has demonstrated is a tremendous disrespect for the power and promise of Jesus Christ; disguising one's true self behind "faith", and using the name of Jesus to promote yourself and your personal ambition. If you really study the gospels and get to know Christ, you begin to see that Bush actually hates Jesus Christ, and has been wonderfully successful at discrediting Christianity, because he claims to be the most powerful modern prophet (a man who hears the voice of God and acts on it's instruction) of Jesus Christ.

Bush's bold proclamations of faith, when compared to his actions, fit the dictionary definition of blasphemy. This type of endorsement is the proudest sort, manipulating the beliefs of others in a God you secretly believe does not exist. Only those who don't believe in an all-powerful God would dare to engage in such a shameless charade.

If you consider that George W Bush is an active participant in the mock-human sacrifices to Moloch held each summer at Bohemian Grove; that he is also an active member of Yale's Skull and Bones society (which worships the devil as well as "death"); that he has engaged America in two preemptive Wars (so far); that he has trampled on the poor and needy in order to keep his wealthy constituency happy; that he claims that God speaks through him; that he claims that he is leading the forces of "good" to destroy the forces of "evil" (by using torture and terror to accomplish his goals)...it should be as obvious as a black stain on a white cloth that Bush is a blasphemer and an Antichrist (if not, the Antichrist).

God knows the heart of every person, and takes note of the words we use. He knows a lie at the moment He hears it, and cannot be fooled. In God's eyes, it is better for a person to honestly voice their disbelief in Him, rather than endorsing Him with words, while denying Him with our every action. The most powerful wickedness always disguises itself as a force of good. Adolph Hitler did, so did the serpent in Eden.

Jesus saw with the eyes of God, right into the hearts of men. He knows our motives sometimes better than we know them ourselves. Lies disguised as worship of him are reprehensible, and clear as day.

For the rest of us, who have to take words at face value, there is this hope: Time makes the claims of every tongue clear, whether they are true, false, or outright lies. We are warned often about liars, who are wolves among the sheep. During the 2000 campaign, I remember being disturbed by how often Bush appealed to the higher power on his own behalf; and I remember knowing that time would reveal whether he was sincere, or shamelessly lying. Time has told, but are Christians listening?

Bush's rule has been defined by massive destruction, by consistent lies, by the advancement of a modern empire, and by an ever-growing gap between the rich and the poor. Everything that Jesus commanded has been forsaken under the guidance of George W Bush (not to say that the world was a very holy place before he rose to power, but since the turn of the century there has been a massive escalation of tragedy).

  • Ruled by Bush, America has pursued vengeance as holy, calling the war on terrorism a "crusade" at first. Christ commanded his followers to love their enemies, forgive those that persecute us, and to overcome evil with good.

  • Bush has caused the suffering of the poor to grow dramatically when he promised, as a "compassionate conservative" to help the poor.

  • Bush renounced America's participation in the Kyoto Treaty, at a crucial time when environmental protection was needed most. he did this for the sake of maintaining our out-of-control consumer lifestyle.

Indeed, George Bush called on all Americans in the aftermath of 9-11 to fulfill their patriotic duty by "going shopping". We are at war, and yet we insist on living as though the war isn't happening, going on with our own lives, and leaving the mess in Iraq for someone else to clean up. What has happened to the hearts of the masses? Why are we so detached? So unaffected? So non-plussed? Is this disengagement from reality simply a side-effect of antidepressants? What would it take to wake us up to our present reality? Do the fires of hell need to reach our own back yards before we wake up and smell the sulfur?

We have experienced the most catastrophic weather in recorded history since 2000, suffered an unending strong of various natural disasters at home and abroad, blizzards, floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes (lots and lots of earthquakes), cyclones, dust storms. All of these categories have had record-smashing events within the past eight years. Don't just take my word for it either; if you didn't know that, do some digging.

The world has also been experience tremendous drought in many areas, increased famines (which is now a world-wide food shortage epidemic); people are increasingly violent; Wars are increasingly sadistic.

America is in some ways isolated from the darkness, but in many ways a great source of it. All of these alarming increases of tragedy have happened while George W Bush continues to insist that he's a Christian, America and goodness are the same thing, and vengeance is his, not God's.

In the 2000 campaign, Bush promised to restore integrity to the oval office, but instead he created the most fascistic, secretive, and lawless administration in American History. Despite all of this, very few seem to be willing to connect the dots. Even though on the internet a website presenting the case for George Bush being the antichrist is among the top-ranking hits, there has been no serious spiritual outcry from within the part of the church that gets the most media exposure. People aren't alarmed, or very offended, to find out that Bush is nothing but another lying politician...but rest assured of this: God is very much aware of what's going on both behind the scenes, and what’s going on in front of everyone. God is not only in the know, but in control; and God is furious.

Bush will not just slip away into obscurity, spending the rest of his days peacefully at Crawford. Everything is right on track He will continue down the road he began to take the world down, and he will surely be held accountable before the world for everything he has said and done. The world is ripe for the harvest; and God is coming to restore true justice and integrity to the earth.

2 Thess 2:9-12

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

From the Book of Proverbs

8:13. The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance, and the
way of evil.

10:8. The wise of heart will heed commandments, but a babbling fool will come
to ruin.

10:28-29. The hope of the righteous ends in gladness, but the expectation of
the wicked comes to nothing.

11:20-21a. Crooked minds are an abomination to the Lord but those of
blameless ways are his delight. Be assured, the wicked will not go unpunished.

12:15,17, 22. Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to
advice. Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness
speaks deceitfully. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act
faithfully are his delight.


Anonymous said...

The truth is oh, so beautiful.

"Vengence is mine," sayeth the Lord. What an awesome event we will witness. There is nothing else I desire as much as this.

The Lord's vengence is more understandable in new ways everyday and deservedly so.

I am blessed by your insight.

Your sister in Christ, with love,
faithful foreve

D. A. N. said...

Compelling argument my friend. We need that impeachment to go through or he actually might declare marshal law and fulfill his destiny as the antichrist.

You said something that is so very true these days: "So rather than be upfront with people, and disclose that these sorts of things are promised in the fine print (otherwise known as scripture), we smooth over the wrinkles, and push the more palatable religion."

I couldn't agree more it is just pitiful and sad. It did remind me of the parachute story that I thought you might like if you haven't herd it yet:

"Two men are seated in a plane. The first is given a parachute and told to put is on as it would improve his flight. He's a little skeptical at first because he can't see how wearing a parachute in a plane could possibly improve the flight. After a time he decides to experiment and see if the claim is true. As he puts it on he notices the weight of it upon his shoulders and he finds that he has difficulty in sitting upright. However, he consoles himself with the fact that he was told the parachute would improve the flight. So, he decides to give the thing a little time. As he waits he notices that some of the other passengers are laughing at him, because he's wearing a parachute in a plane. He begins to feel somewhat humiliated. As they begin to point and laugh at him and he can stand it no longer, he slinks in his seat, unstraps the parachute, and throws it to the floor. Disillusionment and bitterness fill his heart, because, as far as he was concerned, he was told an outright lie.

The second man is given a parachute, but listen to what he's told. He's told to put it on because at any moment he'd be jumping 25,000 feet out of the plane. He gratefully puts the parachute on; he doesn't notice the weight of it upon his shoulders, nor that he can't sit upright. His mind is consumed with the thought of what would happen to him if he jumped without that parachute.

Let's analyze the motive and the result of each passenger's experience. The first man's motive for putting the parachute on was solely to improve his flight. The result of his experience was that he was humiliated by the passengers; he was disillusioned and somewhat embittered against those who gave him the parachute. As far as he's concerned it'll be a long time before anyone gets one of those things on his back again. The second man put the parachute on solely to escape the jump to come, and because of his knowledge of what would happen to him without it, he has a deep-rooted joy and peace in his heart knowing that he's saved from sure death. This knowledge gives him the ability to withstand the mockery of the other passengers. His attitude towards those who gave him the parachute is one of heart-felt gratitude.

Now listen to what the modern gospel says. It says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. He'll give you love, joy, peace, fulfillment, and lasting happiness." In other words, "Jesus will improve your flight." So the sinner responds, and in an experimental fashion, puts on the Savior to see if the claims are true. And what does he get? The promised temptation, tribulation, and persecution. The other passengers mock him. So what does he do? He takes off the Lord Jesus Christ, he's offended for the word's sake (Mark 4:17), he's disillusioned and somewhat embittered, and quite rightly so. He was promised peace, joy, love, fulfillment, and lasting happiness, and all he got were trials and humiliation. His bitterness is directed toward those who gave him the so-called "good news". His latter end becomes worse than the first: another inoculated and bitter backslider." (Hell's Best Kept Secret

Sound familiar Bush?

Your brother in Christ,with love,

young brother said...

Forever Faithful, thank you so much for your testimony. Even if you were the only person reading this blog, I would continue to publish at your service.

Dan, that is a terrific analogy. Where did you get it from? The devil has seduced us into thinking that we're in for a smooth ride all the way until we reach our destination. The gospel is telling us about the jump and the fight ahead of us. Only when you take the Bible and the gospel seriously, do you see how foolish it is to take it so lightly (as it mostly is).

The pre-trib rapture (that is, complete and harmless escape from the last battle) is part of that false assurance: part of that hope that we will have a steady and comfortable flight ahead of us.

The passengers can be related to a group of people getting ready for an airlift out of a war-zone, well before the bombs start dropping.

Such a group would scoff at anyone dressed and ready for battle. But you know full well that we are instructed to put on the armor of God, and take this threatening reality (this present darkness) very seriously.

The armor of god is like a parachute. The jump is that tribulation around and ahead of us (and like the last battle). We will all take that jump, even the foolish "passengers". Only properly wearing your chute will ensure survival. Not by avoiding the jump, but by being properly equipped to survive the jump.

My biggest hope is that a whole lot of more people will snap out of the lie, and put on their parachutes at the last minute, before we all take the jump. I know that's your biggest hope too.

Anonymous said...

I applaud you for doing what you can to try to wake people up to the fact that Bush is certainly not a Christian. I think, however, that if you reread the prophecies you will find that they actually fit the office of the Pope more closely. Assuredly it was the Pope who created the whole false doctrine of the pre-trib rapture to deflect attention from the similarities between the Pope and the Antichrist, and between the Catholic Church and the beast. I'm hoping you are also aware of that dangerous false teaching.
Blessings, -john s http://www.remote-world.com

D. A. N. said...

My Young brother I agree with John S. I have always believed that the pope has something to do with the end times if not the antichrist himself. Especially this current pope, he looks like the Sith Lord in Star Wars. Someone said "A Sith Lord and the Pope are similar in almost every way … including their quest for greater power."

Bush is what I call a false convert for sure. Something funny happened last night to me. Bush talked about Marshall something on the news but I didn't catch all of it. My heart dropped and I immediately thought of you Young Brother, that you were right he declared Marshall LAW on us. I later found out he said something about a Marshall PLAN and my heart stopped ponding hard and I smiled. I am diligently watchful and pray evil to be eradicated soon. Preach the word everyone, we don't have much time left.

With love,

Anonymous said...

The Pope would most likely fulfill the role of false prophet before he would the antichrist role. Interesting that Bush is contemplating becoming a catholic as of just yesterday when he met with benedict. The plot thickens and all is being revealed; what an exciting time to be alive to witness the fulfillment of prophecy.

Young Brother, if you are writing, then I am reading, and where two of us are gathered in His name, He is with us. Amen.

Lots of love from your sister in Christ, faithful forever

young brother said...


First of all, thank you for your encouragement, and for also offering a word of caution with regards to end-times interpretation. Just as you have asked that I take a closer look at the pope, I also ask that you take a closer look at Bush.

Interestingly enough, in July of 2004, less than a year before Pope John Paul the II died, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote a letter from Europe to the American Catholic Church. In this letter, he ordered them to refuse communion to any pro-abortion political candidates (which included, of course, John Kerry). In his letter, Ratzinger went so far as to order that catholics who voted for these candidates would also be refused communion.

As you know, Cardinal Ratzinger would become Pope Benedictine XVI. This means that even our modern pope has subjected himself and his church to the spiritual authority of George W Bush. Kerry was running against Bush, if it's a sin to vote for Kerry, then in a 2 party system, God would have to be pro-Bush.

The problem with that argument is that God did not need some last-minute new decree or message to show his stance in this matter. He left so many messages through the scriptures and the prophets in the first place...God is not in any way pro-Bush. So why are so many throughout the world working so hard to convince the masses otherwise?

I remember about there months before my awakening, going to a party, hearing the wife of a friend of mine talking about how she knew John Kerry was the antichrist. That sparked a debate, because while I wasn't much of a christian at the time, I had the background, and new a little about the antichrist (and about Jesus). I started a debate with her, holding the stance that Bush was much more likely to be the antichrist. That was three months before God opened my eyes about Bush, and this day we are living in.

I believe the pope is a player in this game, but not the Antichrist. Please read this earlier post to find out more. I believe the Antichrist must be an unholy high-preist, a false prophet, and a political leader (king of the leading world government).

I'm not trying to be dismissive or argumentative. Please continue to explore the possibility that I present here. Thanks for reading.

Joshua said...

just a note- you may want to link the new blog on your "blogs of note" list


Anonymous said...

Young Brother,

You should have the option on your other group site (endtimes journal) for anonymous. I am not one that likes to give out my email address to any group and you pretty much restricted comments unless you are a member. That is fine if you want to be a blogger but I do not wish to be one but would like to comment at times to those who are actively blogging on the site.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Young Brother for adding anonymous to the new website. I will add my name at the end of the comment but I personally don't blog. Just not my style but love to encourage those that do.

I also enjoy reading this site and there is so much truth in what you say.

Yours in Christ

Anonymous said...

I believe Bush is evil but he is only a puppet really. Also he represents something! Don't forget that "Not by might or by power but by my spirit that which was done will be done" and We had Bush Clinton Bush now remember the two Witnesses with the seven candle lampstand in the middle. Also something interesting, Where is the THIRD Woe in Revelation? Something is going to happen soon and probably by late October and there will be a flip. Evil will be rid of, also remember that Satan is the Main Antichrist Time must be cut short for the Elect and it was supposed to go on for another thousand years, but it will be cut to TWO Thousand years, and lets hope that also means cutting W's woes. (W) to just 2 instead of a third. Yahweh bless you!