September 22, 2006

Hugo Chavez vs. El Diablo!

On the morning of September 20th, Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, stood before the Assembled United Nations in New York and delivered a powerful and moving speech. His message was bold in truth, impacting…powerful and was very well received (as shown through a thunderous round of applause by UN members upon it’s conclusion).

In this speech Chavez refers to Bush as “El Diablo”, several times and denounces the imperial agenda of the American war-machine. He draws to question Bush’s idea of “extremists”, for our president seems to see them everywhere. He commented on the way that Bush addressed the nation the day before as though he owned the world…Chavez acted with a courage that may not be allowed in the near future. He spoke with a freedom that is being actively reduced. He warned the UN, and indeed the world of the horrors which are to come, if we do not take a stand against the responsible parties.

Chavez’s address has quickly been twisted by the televised media as though it were a shameless and embarrassing move on the part of the Venezuelan president. They decry the tasteless nature of Chavez’s accusations, spouting on about how it’s inappropriate for anyone in his position to say these things about George Bush while in America. They equate this speech to a rude guest insulting his host at a house party. It is a nice picture, I must say, very dismissive and cutting, but the media is ignoring greater truths (just as it ignores the mountain of evidence concerning what really happened on 9-11-01)

Chavez was addressing the United Nations, whose headquarters just so happens to be located in New York city. He was not making cheap shots on a personal level, but exercising his right to speak freely and candidly, warning the assembled of what he sees a very serious threat. He may become a target of the American military as an indirect result of his words. He knows what the US Armed forces are willing to do, because the US military was involved in an attempted coup against Chavez in April of 2002. Of course that's been mostly covered up...leaving just enough evidence to condemn them in the minds of patriotic citizens who investigate independently and act as watchdogs on our crooked government.

Let us see beyond the spin of our media, and remember that America is also not our president’s house, or personal property! This nation is not some sort of safety zone which protects our president from any scrutiny. A president stands or falls by the foundation of his actions. We do not pretend that Bush is infallible here in America, why? Because we do not live in a dictatorship…yet. The American democracy is hinged on accountability, and Mr. Bush has almost six years of lies, murder, and the service of greed and corporate interests to answer for. Bush hides behind his mask of rhetoric, and has used fear to promote a truly sinister agenda. We have a very clear and ugly scope of perspective now, more than five years after 9-11, We see what has been done with what we have given our government.

The USA Patriot act was passed in the fall of ‘01, compromising the privacy of the American public…what does the Bush camp do next? It wire-taps millions of American phones without a warrant. Our military forces invade the sovereign nation of Afghanistan as a part of the global war on terror…a war that is supposedly not against nations, but extremists and terrorist groups all throughout the world….We invade with the promise of vengeance, and the capture of Osama Bin Laden. We engage in one preemptive war, because of all that we had been promised. Promises which are yet to be fulfilled and a year and a half later what does the Bush camp do? It sends our military into yet another nation, swaying public opinion through a campaign of fear, and lies. They also manipulated the hearts of Americans by stoutly decrying Saddam Hussein for torturing Iraqis...but that's another subject entirely.

Whenever we give an inch, they steal a mile. That is why we must stand up in resistance to the rhetoric and doublespeak we are bombarded with. We must make it known that we are not the fools they make us out to be. This is a very serious state of affairs.

So for the media to equate our nation with the personal residence of president Bush is for the media to act as if we were under a monarchy or in a dictatorship.

Bush may ignore the polls, ignore the direction that the people of this nation would like to head. He may use and abuse his executive privileges as much as he thinks he can get away with, he may rudely interrupt anyone he wants to at any time with a harsh and childish "Can I finish?". He may sit tight on the worlds largest nuclear stockpile, he may be surrounded by layers of planning and protection, thinking himself untouchable and already a king... but he simply cannot create unquestioning and unwavering support for his policies. And though the media would like to think that he can…while they would like to think that our nation is the personal property or “house” of George W Bush…it simply isn’t the case. And while they would also like to think that Chavez is nothing more than a certifiably insane conspiracy theorist or religious nut…the truth is that he is the democratically elected leader of the sovereign nation of Venezuela.

Reality stands in protest to spin, and the rock of truth will crush any structure of lies that now stands in the world. For the angel of the Lord did proclaim upon the sounding of the seventh trumpet in Revelation 11; “The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever”.

That time will come…the battle of the end is upon us, and it’s fury will intensify as the heat of a raging fire; yet the victory of this struggle is assured to Christ, and all who call upon him in their time of trouble. Hallelujah! Stand in love and you shall see the truth, and that truth will set you free from fear, deception, and all the trappings of sin.

“Let love be genuine, hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good”

search your heart to find the motive that Chavez had to say what he did. I have searched mine, and found his motives to be based on love.


Anonymous said...

Chavez's comments were right to the point and attention grabbing which is definitely needed here in this Country right now.
Few Christians see the truth these days as this Man of Sin and the Beast system has brainwashed, manipulated the churches morals and spiritual direction.
Also so many people just feel
"What can I do?" and " I just don't have time to think about it!" Syndrome.
And as far as thinking on the Biblical End Times, a lot of people still are waiting on a man in a red suit with a pitchfork and also are in the
"Not in My lifetime" thinking.
Also why do they need to read prophecies in the bible? They AREN'T going to be around, because they are brainwashed into thinking The Rapture.
The real question is are we going to stand for Jesus and what he REALLY stands for?
Asking ourselves a serious question ...What would Jesus do?
Jesus Christ is the same today and forever, and he HASN'T EVER been and NEVER WILL BE a blood thirsty,"Go Kill em before they kill us-Mentality" $Commerciali$ed Saviour that this babylon beast wants us to beleive.
Seems like some from the other countries are seeing better than lots of us right here are.
Those outside of the U.S (Babylon) standing back a ways are seeing a better glimpse of this monstrous deceiving forest of lyeing wonders and corrupt values.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God is returning soon and will have complete victory over all the evil.
Come Lord Jesus!

PursuingTruth said...

Great post. Only one mistake that I can see in what Chavez said. Bush is not the devil, but his spawn. The son of Satan, The Man of Sin, Son of perdition, The Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

Go die!

Anonymous said...

You obviously have not been to Venezuela and have no concept of who chavez is...perhaps the devil had two sons Chavez and Bush!