2008 is, of course, the eighth and final year of George W Bush's presidency. Blogs, bumpers and calendars everywhere are counting down to 1/20/09, his last day in office. Stand up comics are continuing to crack jokes about George Bush being the Armageddon president, believing that he will step down from office soon, ending their chances to use the rich comedic material he has always provided as president. Many popular musicians have recently taken to singing about how we are on the brink of the end of the world. This century so far has been a non-stop roller-coaster of wars, terrorist violence, and natural disasters. However, despite the various warnings and signs from society and nature, many Americans have become tolerant of the horror, desensitized to suffering, and are comparably much more comfortable, absorbed and secure in our daily lives than we were during the terrifying years that spanned between 9-11-01 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. It helps that these days we are no longer stalked by color-coded terror warnings, anthrax-by-mail, the threat of sniper attacks while gassing up our cars, or a believable nightmare about middle-eastern weapons of mass destruction destroying our suburbs.
Needless to say, the Bush administration is still using the fear card on us, and the rest of the world, but unfortunately for their clout and potency we're no longer listening to them. More an more countries around the world are uniting against the American empire and their agenda as time goes on. Also, feeling safer from six and a half years free of major terrorist attacks, the American public has become much more critical of our government and much more opposed to the wars we're still engaged in. Despite the recent spike in America of natural disasters and random shooting sprees, many people rest assured that this nation won't suffer another attack like 9-11-01 during this next year. People hold this view not because our borders are safer, or because the perpetrators of the original crime have been brought to justice- but because for the past six and a half years we have been told that the next terrorist attack on American soil is right around the corner, which is something that simply hasn't happened.
If you think about it, the actions of the Bush administration throughout the entirety of this "War on Terror"demonstrate a perfect example of Aesop's fable: "The Boy who cried Wolf". This is the story of a mischievous shepherd boy (president Bush) who gets into the bad habit of scaring and stirring up the people living in his village (American citizens, and people of the world) by shouting occasionally that a wolf (terrorist) is coming to attack and devour his herd (America). For the first few times this boy succeeds in fooling and manipulating the villagers (the coalition of the willing) into action through his bogus warnings, but after awhile, the villagers get wise to his ways, and conclude that he's just a no-good liar. They stop heeding his calls and cries of "wolf" (Iran). Of course, it's when the villagers have become unresponsive to warnings that a real wolf attacks and scatters the lying little shepherd boy's herd. (Our present terror immunity leading up to the false flag "attack" I believe will come before the next election)The story shows that fear can be a motivating force through empty threats ,for a time. This truth has been demonstrated to us throughout the brief history of the deceptively titled war against terror. George W Bush has been proven to be a liar, that much is common knowledge. But because so many of us don't bother to investigate the depths of his lies, we dismiss him as nothing more than a harmless, foolish shepherd boy. Through our dismissal, and George Bush's brilliant use of foolishness, his true nature remains concealed. For in this version of Aesop's fable we have a wolf disguised as a boy, who has been crying "wolf", and is poised to devour the sheep.
What gives me the right to say that? For starters, what has happened between 9-11-01 and the present day has been a systematic transformation of Government from Constitutional democracy to legalized dictatorship, by means of bills such as the USA PATRIOT Act, Eminent Domain, and the Military Commissions Act. In political terms, our nation and our constitution have suffered a long and continuous series of debilitating attacks during this period of supposed peace. All of the various steps in this process have been reported, and then buried. And even as the fear button is continuously pushed on the one hand by the Bush administration, the lack of attacks is highlighted as a success story on the other. But the truth is that they are fulfilling the prophet Jeremiah's words concerning false prophets, "They shall say 'peace, peace' when there is no peace". For there is no peace at home, and there is certainly nothing we could call peace abroad. Fresh, innocent blood is daily poured on our hands and we think we're innocent of it by putting the matter out of our minds? How foolish and selfish can we be?
In our willful ignorance, our irresponsibility and our pride, we have granted these false prophets immunity from accountability for their lies. Indeed, rather than demand to know what's been cooking under our feet, thanks to media guidance, the trend in 2008 is for citizens to look forward in hope at the promise of change. It is undeniable that we are taking the easy way out by doing this. The standard of justice, and the integrity of the office of president (which Bush continually pledged to restore in his 2000 campaign) have been ruined. Impeachment would be difficult, because investigations and hearings throughout the process would force us to witness the ugliness we have silently consented to, and chosen to ignore so far. Impeachment to me is analogous to repentance. It would be a complete and immediate change in direction, an admission to personal error and misguidance on behalf of this entire nation, and a willing pursuit of truth and justice. It is because we have chosen not to repent, but to "wait it out" that we will probably suffer greatly at the hand of the unjust, when we least expect it.
1 Thess 5:2b-3
The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.2 Thess 2:9-12
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
If ever there was a time for the hammer to fall on an unsuspecting populace, this is it. Should a false flag operation or "terrorist attack" cause this year's presidential election to be canceled, the official media spin will probably be that it was an act of vengeance by "the terrorists" against president Bush, to show that despite his concentration of power, vulnerability still exists. Bush would point back to congress' recent rejection of his bogus Big Brother bill, the "Protect America Act", as the reason the attack was allowed, even with the overly-funded Department of Homeland Security supposedly keeping watch. Bush doesn't take blame, in case you haven't noticed. A side-effect of such an attack would, of course, be the declaration of martial law and the establishment of an American empire under George W Bush, who after all said on several occasions, "a dictatorship would be a heckova lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator".
The final reason I believe that Bush is a "wolf-disguised-as-a-boy-crying-wolf" is that in my research I have come to fully believe that 9-11-01 was an inside job, carried out by the shadow government and neo-conservative wolves (including president Bush), for the purpose of justifying the previously planned transformation of government and invasion of the middle east that we have been witnessing. 2008 is, for me and millions of other "truthers", a year of great suspense for that very reason. But yet again, to those who are not paying attention, it's a year defined by hopes of peace and safety under the prospect of new leadership. We only have a certain amount of time before we all know whether the media and the masses are right, or whether the 9-11 "conspiracy nuts" and online prophets like myself are right. But that is no reason for any believer in Christ to simply sit back and wait to see the truth.
1 Thess 5:4-6
(For) you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day(of the Lord) should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
Interesting read, YB. When I first heard about 9/11, it was in a history class my junior year of HS when I lived in New Jersey. Granted we were about an hour from Manhattan, the sky was completely black from smoke, but no one was allowed to surf the Internet or turn on a TV because so many of our families worked in the city. I had one teacher that told us the truth and he made the remark, "Nothing is ever going to be the same" and I took that as a warning.
When Bush launched his 'War on Terror,' it just occured to me that it's impossible to have a war on an 'idea.' How can you fight an idea? It can't fight back...it's subjective. That's when I knew the whole Iraq invasion was bogus. The fear he tried to instill in the nation was very different than the actual fear we felt that day in NJ, with fighter jets flying over our school, word that NY and PA were on fire, and that our friends and family were locked in the city. That was the only time I felt fear. Bush's words and his campaign to spread fear of Islamic radicalism just made me laugh...
I'm trying to spread the word, sometimes more subtly that other times.
I "digged" it, and thanks for the link, Josh. Kelly, laughter has been a common response to the campaign of fear, but many have also swallowed the nonsense, hook line and sinker. No matter how we respond, the fact that these words and tactics have been used is still significant. Thanks for reading.
Where did you go? Your profile is gone, I'm worried, please let me know if you are okay. I will keep checking back here for you... I know you've had computer problems as of late and it could be a while. I am praying for you.
This is an excellent blog we are so in sync.
I deleted my"space" because for me it had diminished to a quasi-ego trip. I had become addicted to checking that damned Rupert-Murdoch owned big-brother preparation site. I don't want to base my worth or love-ability on messages, nudges, profile views, blog comments, picture comments or anything else of that nature. It's very tempting, and I did get stuck in that trap of seeking the praise of humanity. I'm not entirely free of it yet, but I'm joyfully working on overcoming it!
you could have stayed and done the same. :) If you get the chance please check out my sister's blog on "communication".
The MySpace Rupert thing or attention doesn't effect me in the least. *lol* I know that may seem a bit unbelievable, but, there are a lot of things that have taken place in my life that has made such things petty enough to not take them too seriously.
there is a part in the bible about the disciples walking along when they see a grain of wheat among the weeds, they pluck a head of wheat, rub it in their hands to break it apart before eating... Jesus said something to the effect of, do "not do this leave it be." The reason I think is because there will be heads of wheat among the weeds and that they need to be there so as to help the weeds. "They will drop seeds and more wheat will grow" was Jesus' point. So, it is okay for their to be a me or a you in the midst of the weeds Kev... it is a good thing.
There is a Rupert Murdock for every genre.
I will in deed miss you I would go to hear the song on your blog often. The line "crop circles in the carpet", I loved it, great song! I love you. May your life take you where you need to be.
I was glad to see you are still on-line. I will check in from time to time is that is okay?
Sorry about the typos etc... been a looong day, very tired. Wanted to check on you before I ended it... I will sleep better knowing you are out there.
haha thanks for the digg! digg.com has been my guilty pleasure recently.
I have been recently hooked to the NIN album Year Zero. I hadn't downloaded it until you recommended it, and I have been reading the lyrics. A herald indeed as you put it.
How are things going on in North Carolina?
And yes. myspace addiction is annoying. mini-ego trips is a good way of putting it.
i've become more and more cynical of technology as of late. the sheeple love to gobble up there info-tainment. if you focus more on the tv or internet than you do on God, then what does that say? I'm guilty just like the rest.
Don't be sidetracked by the fluff they use to announce the article "Pitt and Jolie" when you get into the article it reveals something that people like David Icke have been talking about for years. His claim was that the US presidents "all of them" are related in some way to British royalty, in a segment of one of his videos where he also brings up that Al Gore and George W. Bush are related to each other but he thinks Bush was chosen by the NWO because of his more directly being related to Queen Elizabeth... anyway he was saying that all US presidents have had to meet the requirement of being related. He was saying this when people wonder why we never end up with a more astounding group, like "extremely smart people" for example as apposed to the mediocre or less that we end up with, it is because they have to be in the family. So when I read the following I reverted to his points and now I have to share with you because I hate to be alone in realizing when someone, in this case "Icke" was correct...
http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/23797072/?GT1=43001
A quote from my profile... and one I think may fit the frame of mind associated with the internet, TV or otherwise... :)
TV varies from serious to the most ridiculous things you've ever seen. I do tend to like educational channels although am not easily impressed with some of what others try to convey as truth or science, a lot of time there are too many lies being cleverly crafted to the consumer. Always do your own research on any topic, you need not be the most educated in a crowd, all truth is written on our hearts, if you are in doubt or something simply does not ring true or has holes it is the Holy Spirit warning you to not be too quick to believe what you have heard or seen, do not take my word for anything, look into your own self, the truth resides there. So, anyway, I am still aware of what the world says about a lot of things, I am in this world not of this world. Because I have Him I can pick up snakes and drink their poison and it will not harm me. "Picking up snakes" I would liken to watching or reading things that are loaded with lies meant to poison us... if I am immune, so are, you, so long as you do not forsake the gift of, "Holy Spirit".
reference - "Mark 16:17 These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; 16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands, and whatever poison they drink will not harm them; they will place their hands on the sick and they will be well.”" Most things in the bible are NOT literal... picking up a snake is equal to watching TV, the news for example, you can watch but what poison is therein can not harm you so long as you have a trust in the Holy Spirit, which is like saying "in what is right"... they will, like snakes, try to trick you, it's your own free will choice to either tune in or out the Holy Spirit, he is there to protect you from the vipers.
Mat 10:26 “Do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing is secret that will not be made known. 10:27 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light, and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops. 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Do not fear them.
Hey YB,
Thought you might enjoy the following? Brainstorming, do grab an umbrella, or if you prefer, stand in it and feel the rain...
I like to think of rising in three days as being applicable to all of our lives, there are some days when we feel we just can not go on but amazingly three days later we wonder how we could have ever have felt as we did... we have a new outlook and are "alive". Generally comes in the form of overcoming what had us down and looking at it in a past tense that has made it seem petty, at the same time has caused us to grow. A logarithmic spiral (a "golden ratio shape") is known as the "growing spiral" and it is also called by some, "God's fingerprint" as it can be found in many forms of life and the nature of beauty or the beauty of nature; a galaxy, the top of a new born baby's head, a snails shell. The closer to the center you get, as seen in the "Hurricane" or the "galaxy" and of course the baby's hair surrounds it's "brain", the closer to the core the more powerful it is and at the core is, "light". I believe in one way or another we all follow this pattern... so long as we do not forsake our light at the core of our being.
John: 1:4 In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. (describing John the Baptist) continues...
I am aware of the fact that the powers that be in deed do have the ability to create man-made hurricanes and dictate weather of various forms and force, so when I think of this I think of how the bible did say that the antichrist would sit at the throne of God and call himself God and cause the people of the earth to worship him that many would follow even some of God's elect. "God's elect" are people who belong to him, who have not forsaken their trust in him, for example a scientist who has a profound understanding of things such as the "golden ratio" shape and it's master, which some of them may refer to as "nature"... others may refer to as "God". Understandings of rhythms and phases that the planet the solar system has encountered and therefore what we can or should be able to expect, those that have followed their own life logarithm and have found themselves in the field of science are and are going to be... fooled by their inability to calculate the false wonders placed before them and will believe lies.
Not all of us, or of the scientists, anyone will be fooled but some will. You work toward not letting that happen, very appreciated.
If you think these thoughts are trippy, you should ask me sometime about the applications to reality of the "immaculate conception". Not to do with an actual "man" in the physical sense but with the injection of man's telling us of their opinions or as we have all been reminded so often of man's inventions of what is "truth", a "virgin" is one who has not been invaded by man, the "conceptions" are from God, no other. There are many virgins here. Can ya dig it?
I can dig it. Very deep spring, Peace, thanks so much and keep it up! I can definately relate to the resurgent fatigue that accompanies our personal awakening. The metaphysical wheel effect applies to our walk just as it applies to the standard thought processes of the unaware. It just seems that once we are awakened, our highs are higher, and our lows are lower. It makes sense, because we move further out of the protective shell when we choose to be motivated in life by love. We become more exposed, more vulnerable, and yet ultimately we grow stronger through this process.
I also think that you have a point about the protection that God gives us from the poisens which saturate our culture...even still I do not want to put the Lord to the test in this matter. For a long time I maintained myspace because I saw it to be a tool for evangelism. But I've concluded that the site doesn't work that way. I'm not condemning you in any way, but for me it had turned into a temptation, and I wanted to leave...so I did.
Josh, I'm glad that you are so excited about "Year Zero". I think it's a wonderful contribution to the realm of music, and it's messages speak to my heart. The fact that NIN has been my favorite band since 1998 is icing on the cake.
Below I will post the lyrics for the new Kid Rock song. I've never been much of a Kid Rock fan, mostly because of his annoying "bawidabawdabangdabangziggyziggy" song (from 1999 or so). This song is very impressive, however:
Amen by Kid Rock
It's another night in hell
Another child won't live to tell
Can you imagine what it's like to starve to death
And as we sit free and well
Another soldier has to yell
Tell my wife and children I love them in his last breath
C'mon now amen, amen, amen
Habitual offenders, scumbag lawyers with agendas
I'll tell you sometimes people I don't know what's worse
Natural disasters or these wolves in sheep clothes pastors
Now God damn it I'm scared to send my children to church
And how can we seek salvation when our nations race relations
Got me feeling guilty of being white
But faith in human nature, our creator and our savior, I'm no saint
But I believe in what is right
C'mon now amen,
I said amen
Stop pointing fingers and take some blame,
Pull your future away from the flame
Open up your mind and start to live
Stop short changing your neighbors
Living off hand outs and favors, and maybe
Give a little bit more than you got to give
Simplify, testify, identify, rectify
And if I get high stop being so uptight
It's only human nature and I am not a stranger
So baby won't you stay with me tonight
When a calls away
to break the sound
I'm faden down, I need someone
Oh to be someone
They just sinken down, and holden back
I hold the dawn and run
They don't save a child
Oh, to save a child
It's a matter of salvation from them patience up above,
So don't give up so damn easy on the one you love, one you love
Somewhere you got a brother, sister, friend, grandmother, niece or nephew
Just dying to be with you
You know there's someone out there who unconditionally, religiously, loves you
So just hold on 'cause you know it's true
And if you can take the pain
And you can withstand anything, and one day
Stand hand in hand with the truth
I said amen, I said amen
Beautiful song. :)
Love you young brother.
yb- I've finally found the motivation to start on what I have been wanting to do for a while. I have started on my dream journal blog, posting the visions I have in my sleep. The link is http://joshsdreamjournal.blogspot.com/ and I encourage you to take a look at it. I attempt to break apart what the dream means and I find doing this to be very comforting. David and several others had accurate visions of the future and while mine may not be divinly inpired I enjoy being able to remember and analyze them.
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