January 03, 2009

Gaza, Zionism and the Ongoing Muslim Holocaust

On December 27th, Israel began bombarding the Gaza strip with missile air attacks, wiping out civilians without regard, blasting densely populated areas near schools in their supposed pursuit of Hamas leaders and retaliation for rocket fire. The entire middle east is up in arms because of the attacks, which have left 421 Palestinians dead (as of Friday, January 2nd), and thousands more injured so far. The Isreali army says that their campaign of state-sponsored terrorism is a response to smaller rockets that have been fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza. So far in the fighting, less than a dozen Israelis have died from Palestinian rockets. I do not mean to discount the value of life by saying, "Less than a dozen", but that is the comparison; more than 30 Palestinians dead for every 1 Israeli. There is no honor, or courage in this sort of overwhelming force.

It absolutely amazes me that Zionists (both Jew and Christian) can possibly imagine that they are sitting under the blessing of God when they spill the blood of innocent civilians so eagerly, and defiantly claim to be taking the high road while doing it. Jeremiah 6: 13-15a describes this exact mentality:

“From the least to the greatest their lives are ruled by greed. From prophets to priests, they are all frauds. They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their disgusting actions? Not at all—they don’t even know how to blush!"
People who think this way (and there are plenty of them) are so drunk with the wine of Babylon (That is, filled with a self-appointed sense of piety) that they have lost their sense of dignity, and conscience. They are acting, before God and all the world, like the spiritual equivalent of angry, drunken, violent jerks: and they see absolutely nothing wrong with their abusive behavior. But unlike normal drunks, they aren't just embarrassing and/or hurting themselves. In the case of this past week, hundreds of people have died, some of them schoolchildren; thousands have been wounded; power is lost to hospitals in Gaza, food supplies have been cut off, nobody knows when those crucial supply lines will be reconnected.

The atrocity of life in that narrow strip of land right now is beyond the scope of most people's comprehension. And so rather than force ourselves to go through the painful process of learning how to wrap our minds around it, we put it out of our heads. We rationalize to ourselves, "It can't be that bad." We thank God that we aren't Muslim (unless you are, in which case you probably thank Allah that you are, because the one true God is merciful to all who are oppressed, and fair in judging both the righteous, and the unrighteous).

In the 1940's, a lot of people around the world were hearing rumors of terrible mistreatment, demonization, and persecution of the Jews under Adolf Hitler. There were stories from those who escaped the Reich from time to time. Most would shake their heads and think about how terrible it was that the Jews were being singled out that way, and then concentrate on other matters of the war, or the world, or their own lives. People didn't allow themselves to believe that a holocaust actually existed until after it stopped, when they saw the evidence of it first hand. There was a blind spot that covered the eyes of the world 65 years ago. The same thing is happening right now in the world. Only this time some Jews are the attackers, and not the victims. The alliance between the United States and Israel has rendered the peacekeeping power of the United Nations obsolete. And the target of their war machine is Islam.

Think about it in these terms: There are three Monotheistic faiths that all claim Abraham as their father. The first Antichrist was Nero, who persecuted the Christians; the second Antichrist was Hitler, who persecuted the Jews; Our current Antichrist is Bush, who persecutes Muslims.

I believe that the Iraq war is not so much a terrible failure as it is a twisted, mislabled extermination project against the people of Iraq. This is also the motive behind the so-called "Global War On Terrorism". There is a massive, and totally inhumane campaign of American Empirical expansion (supported by Israel) which seeks to subdue and trample the entire Eurasian area, reforming them in an American image. It is not democracy that we wish to spread throughout that region, for Hamas is a democratically elected ruling party, and we are not coming to their assistance. We also didn't defend Lebanon from being riddled with advanced Israeli missles a couple of years ago, and they are another democracy. In fact, America's best friends in the region are Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Both nations are serious violators of the basic human rights and liberties that our constitution swears to defend and uphold...Our proud, patriotic, pro-democracy self image is a complete farce.

Friends, we must all pray that we never lose our sensitivity to God's impartial eye. He is a fair judge, who does not show any favoritism, but judges each of us based on our hearts and our actions. All those who repent must first come to terms with this fair, all seeing, all knowing power of God; but the principal can be easy to forget. That is exactly what's happened to the religious/political establishment of our time, in America and Israel. In the immediate aftermath of 9-11, the wounds of our national trauma were bandaged with bumper stickers that said "God Bless America". We are going boldly forth into the world, torturing, poisoning, exterminating both enemies and innocents along the way, and we believe that God is going to bless us...God will deliver the weak from their oppressors. He sees through the boastful, self-righteous posturing that has been used as a blanket to cover serious, ongoing crimes against humanity. God is very near to us, and near to them. This will not continue indefinitely. Vengeance will be his. But never forget that there is a remnant that belongs to the Lord in every Nation (including Israel). Those in Christ have brothers and sisters everywhere. God will sort them out. One of my favorite statements of Paul is, "Be not deceived, God will not be mocked: every person will reap what they sew".

Jeremiah 7:1-15

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: "Stand in the gate of the LORD’s house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the LORD, all you men of Judah who enter these gates to worship the LORD. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD.'

"For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly execute justice one with another, if you do not oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own harm, then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave of old to your fathers forever.

"Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, 'We are delivered!'—only to go on doing all these abominations? Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? You know, I too am watching, declares the LORD.

Go now to my place that was in Shiloh, where I made my name dwell at first, and see what I did to it because of the evil of my people Israel. And now, because you have done all these things, declares the LORD, and when I spoke to you persistently you did not listen, and when I called you, you did not answer, therefore I will do to the house that is called by my name, and in which you trust, and to the place that I gave to you and to your fathers, as I did to Shiloh. And I will cast you out of my sight, as I cast out all your kinsmen, all the offspring of Ephraim.


D. A. N. said...
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young brother said...

Dan, you have drunk the Zionist kool-aid,otherwise known as the wine of Babylon.

How dare you leave a graphic, heart-breaking propaganda clip on this site, calling the link "The Truth"? I am not playing blogger games with you. You should be ashamed of yourself, but your conscience has been just as seared as the rest of the violent hearted tares in the world. As long as you stay smug and self satisfied, you will remain bound in your blindness.

D. A. N. said...


Why would you remove it then? Why not let others decide for themselves what is right or wrong. Hiding from truth, even lies for that matter, shows you are not about understanding but are all about pushing your own Kool-Aid. Keep the unsuspecting in the dark? Let the light of truth shine and expose the evil. Of course you will delete this also since you can't stand to hear any discussion opposed to yours.

Do us all a favor and disable the comments then. At least that way everyone can know that you are only out to preach instead of discuss things civilly.

How dare you leave a graphic, heart-breaking propaganda clip on this site, calling the link "The Truth"?

How dare you misrepresent and portray God's chosen as evil. I am a Jew also and took offense as to what you said. Let me guess Islam is right in your eyes? Muslims are being persecuted according to you? Shame on you.

You claim: less than a dozen Israelis have died

If we base on right on wrong body count then Japan was right to bomb us and Germany was right against Brittan during WW2.

Are you saying that Islam is a religion of peace? If so, there is a big sack of dead bodies to prove that point wrong.

Islam is a set of rules that establish a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah. Since we don't live in a Muslim country (where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from logical deconstruction), we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism.

There are other Jewish Christians that agree with that flash presentation also. So what, discuss it, dissect it, analyze it, and logically refute it, but please don't suppress it.

Moving on. Can you honestly still say that Bush is the Antichrist? Honestly? Can your ego handle that you were actually being deceived by the Devil and that God had nothing to do with your prophecy? Can you come to the realization that you are following the father of lies in you unrepentant behavior? Do you think I say these things because I hate you? Quite the opposite, stop being a pompous, holier then thou, evil dude. Wake up!

Moderations and censorship by you, like Islamic countries, just shows how much you are hiding behind some cloaking device instead of confronting evil and correcting misinformed people, Kevin. Even me. Perfect love, after all, is a constant confronter. Remember what Martin Luther King, Jr. said: (I will repeat it, until you get it)

"Christians should not be a thermometers that merely record and reflect the temperature of popular opinion.

Christians should be like thermostats, responsible for transforming and setting the temperature or standards of society" (Thank God free at last!)

Where is your backbone and love? Correct me if I am wrong convince me I am wrong, show me my error logically, because you love me.

Talk to me brother,

young brother said...

Dan, didn't I say that I don't want to play blogger games with you? I deleted your comment, because you dared to label that lop-sided, pure Zionist propaganda garbage as "The Truth". You insulted the truth with your shameless bias.

Have some respect for the victims of this war.

Don't come here posturing and looking to spark another debate. I will not feed your need to argue. I refuse to play into your passive-aggressive games. I have given you love, and tried to explain a better way to you through reason. But you are not looking to learn, you are looking to fight. That has been proven. You are in God's hands.

Unless you come to apologize for your unbelievably rude behavior here, don't think that you are invited. This is so much more serious than you have been taking it.

Anonymous said...

According to my Bible, you are both incorrect on two respective issues: fighting wars and the pre-tribulation rapture:

"Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called SONS OF GOD." Matt 5:9

"For though we walk in the flesh, WE DO NOT WAR ACCORDING TO THE FLESH; 2 Cor 10:3 (No amount of twisting Romans 13 can get around this one). --Obey GOD, not men. Acts 5:29

"Pray always that you might be accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS that are coming to pass and to STAND BEFORE THE SON OF GOD." Luke 21:36 (Why obey Jesus and pray if there is no pre trib rapture? Those who don't believe in an "escape" are forced to disobey Jesus' clear command in this scripture! And the escape is not somewhere in a shelter, it clearly says to STAND BEFORE THE SON OF GOD, so those who are faithful to Him will be with Him during the tribulation.

"Because thou has kept the word of My patience, I also will KEEP THEE FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL, which shall come upon the WHOLE WORLD, to try them that DWELL UPON THE EARTH." Rev 3:10 (Obviously, those "kept from the trial" won't be "on the earth.")

A Sister in Christ,

D. A. N. said...


How can anyone argue with that sensible logic? Well done. If you are right the time is even closer then we expect.

One point though, we are to judge and discern its fruit.

young brother said...

Lynn, Am I to understand that you believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?

According to my Bible, that's a heresy. There are literally hundreds of references in scriptures to a time at the end where the wicked are removed from the earth, and the meek are left to inherit the earth. Those who "ESCAPE" will be like the three men in the fire at Babylon (Daniel 3).

I agree with you that we war not against flesh and blood, and wish that more religious people were mindful of that.

D. A. N. said...


Do you still believe that Bush is the Antichrist or are you going to move onto someone more probable like Obama?

If you no longer believe that Bush is the Antichrist then are you willing to concede that you have been following the Devil himself instead of God in your belief of such a thing? Or even worse, are you going to claim that God was somehow wrong in telling you this revelation?

Either way, you must admit the spirit as to which you hung onto for so long was misleading you, if it is indeed false. Can your ego allow you to admit that you follow the devil instead of God?

young brother said...

Dan, please refer to my comment on January 7th. You're a crude, proud, fool. I still believe just as strongly as ever. It's not over for another 10 days. Do you presume to know what will come tomorrow?

The day will come where you will stand before the Lord himself, and you will look back at your life, your hatefulness, your self-appointed crusade void of love, and you will finally understand your foolishness.

The power behind me is much stronger than the spirit that guides you. May God break you of your pride.

Any further comments from you will be deleted, unless you are specifically apologizing for your behavior in the past eight months (and only apologizing, not wrapping it in passive aggressive insults). I don't think you'll be doing that in the next ten days. You won't admit your need to change, and so you never will.

Anonymous said...

Please check out these sites!
Bush will leave! He was only part of the plan




There desperately needs an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the land which should be happening soon, and hopefully around February 13th which will bring the Elijiah and form the Bride.
Yahshua will return for His Bride about 3 yrs later and hopefully this will bring him around Trumpets to Tabernacles 2011 which is in October.
May Yahweh God bless your understanding!

Anonymous said...

One more site to take a look at.


Also take a look at
The Waltz of Life.


Blessings to you!

Bogdan Amidžić said...

Interesting thing is that Jews always comment these kind of posts with "HOW DARE YOU?" and state that Jews were victims of holocaust...

What Palestinians have to do with Holocaust? Germans were the one who should be punished for Holocaust, not Palestinians. But here we have historical right of Jews to this land. Wait, wait historical right?
And where's Historical right for Serbs who were banished from Kosovo? And, Serbs were more than 50% of population there, unlike Jews who are minority in Israel for centuries. And now, when all lies of USA showed, regarding wars in Serbia, all you can say is
WE DIDN'T KNOW. Well that is very irresponsible. People are dying because of your ignorance. We were bombed by your "angel of mercy", for what? Just so you can say, Clinton did it.

And, that line "we are the chosen people", that makes you free to kill? If you are chosen, act with reason and wisdom. And don't you think we don't know about Talmud. Of course for every racist line in it, you can say, we misinterpreted it. How can the word of hate became something else?

And regarding holocaust, what is with many more Russians who literally sacrificed themselves for defeating Hitler? Don't you think they deserve to be respected also? And what do you think about involvement of IBM, General motors, Rothschild in WWII? Also, we know that question of Israel was pulled way before WWII, despite victims, WWII was sacrifice without which state of Israel couldn't be formed.

So, today we have 1100 Palestinians dead vs 13 Israelis. Excuse me, but that is not war, that is genocide.

young brother said...

I agree with you, Bogdon that this is genocide. White phosphorous shells were fired into a UN building within the past two days...there is no other reason for Israel to use these sorts of weapons in civilian areas unless they are targeting innocents, women and children.

Genocide against the Serbs and in Russia are equally significant in history, and I believe that these events also weigh heavily on God's heart, and that many of it's victims in death have been welcomed into the arms of the Merciful.

Anonymous, welcome! I actually posted on "The Trial of Zion vs. Zionism" before I was able to read your comment, but I like the synchronicity of spirit. I'll look into those links, and thank you for the tip!

faithful forever said...

Besides white phosphorus, Israel is using a new unconventional weapon that they also used in Lebanon called DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) that shreds tissue and turns internal organs into dust. This is genocide and anyone who supports it in thought, word or deed is being led astray. There is no such thing as righteous war since Jesus' death and vengenece belongs to Him - not any one or any nation and that includes Israel. Killing, maiming and causing endless suffering is NOT God's way no matter how people try to twist His holy word, it is contradictory to everything He teaches. Shameful.

Young Brother, your patience is remarkable and I commend you for that. The Lord tells us not to cast pearls before swine for they will trample them and I have seen that here today. Who says, "Why obey Jesus and pray if there is no pre trib rapture?" other than someone who is lost.

We need to brace ourselves, for those who hold these beliefs (Rapture doctrine, Israel's right to defend itself, etc) would rather see us put to death with a smile on their face for not believing the way they do because we are condemned after all anyway, while those who oppose false doctrine perfer that they be turned and saved.

Interesting time indeed. The enemy comes from many directions but always in sheep's clothing.

Keep spreading the truth according to His holy word and know that then Lord is with you and don't worry about what to say for He will put the words in your mouth. I am blessed watching the Lord speak through you for it is only His truth that resonates so deep. They are clanging cymbols - make a lot of noise by saying the same thing over and over and over but have no real love.

I believe Bush is the Son of Perdition and I have no idea how it will be revealed to the whole world. A 'more likely candidate in Obama' is for those who cannot see the handwriting on the wall. What makes Obama a more likely candidate is he fits the mold of the fictional series of Left Behind. The Bible is the key that holds the truth.

Keep shining the light my brother. The darkness hates it.