October 16, 2005

Take the Power Back!

"The raw awareness that you have the power to change the world is more important than any other resource-it is the hardest one to develop and share, and the most essential.
Giving your endorsement to political representatives, social programs, or radical ideologies will be of little avail if the fundamental problem is that you don't know your own strength.

"Self determination begins and ends with your initiatives and actions, whether you live under a totalitarian regime or the canopy of a rainforest. It must be established on a daily basis, by acting back on the world that acts upon you-whether that means calling in sick to work on a sunny day, starting a neighborhood garden with your friends, or toppling a government. You cannot make a revolution that distributes power equally except by learning firsthand how to exercise and share power-and that exercising and sharing, on any scale, is itself the ongoing, never concluded project of revolution."

used without permission from Recipes for Disaster, an account of anarchist living, and source of revolutionary ideas. The only (but most important) problem I have with modern anarchy is the almost wholesale denial that God exists, or that any truth can be found in scripture. It's sad that one can be so close to truth, yet not even see it...