September 04, 2008

Will America Be Attacked on 9-11-08?

Could America be the victim of another surprise attack on September 11th, 2008? I believe it's not only possible, it's extremely likely. Knowing how risky it is to make such a bold statement, I am willing to stake my claim at Prophecy by saying that yes, it will happen.

I have been pondering and hesitating over the post you are about to read for a very long time. But that is because I haven't heard the deep, separate, and echoey voice of God saying "Yes, America will be attacked by that Wolf who cries Terrorist (George Bush) on 9-11-08". I also don't know what will happen on the day itself.

What I have experienced are ideas, observations, and random thoughts that are more solid than my normal thoughts. These thoughts make me feel as though I know with certainty things that I have no business of knowing. I have always been very skeptical about those thoughts, and ashamed to experience them, because I knew that thoughts like that are a symptom of insanity. But I have come to believe that the prophets of the Old Testament also have those thoughts. And I'm willing to take the gamble and stake my reputation on this prophecy. We'll know for certain next Thursday.

Below is an account of when those "more solid thoughts" about Bush and 9-11-08 struck me:

1. In late November 2000, while the first Bush election was still up for grabs, I was in the car with my cousin Matt, and we were listening to "Antichrist Superstar"...Suddenly, I was compelled to tell him, "If Bush somehow wins this election, and then proves that he has been lying about all of his Christian morals of peace and compassion, and he somehow invades Iraq, you just watch, he'll turn out to be the Antichrist, because God wouldn't stand for it." I didn't take my own advice, and didn't really come to believe that Bush is the Antichrist until December 2004, but that was the first heavy thought.

2. On 9-11-01, when everything was falling apart, and everyone was in some state of shock, I had a certain thought that the Antichrist was behind the attacks, and that there would be another event, but not for another seven years (9-11-08). Sure enough, with Anthrax, and Snipers and School shootings plaguing America in the years between, there has not been a single attack on America that has been linked to Al Qaeda in the seven years since 9-11. I didn't believe that Bush was the Antichrist on that day. Like many, I suspected that it was Osama Bin Laden. But I knew the Antichrist was behind the attacks.

3. A week after 9-11-01, I went to church with my Mom, and instead of the normal Wednesday night Bible study, Trinity Broadcasting Network was holding a nationally televised prayer meeting in the sanctuary. At first, I just sat and listened to the angry, hurt, and vengeful prayers. I hoped that someone in line would set the course straight and pray for forgiveness...but none did. When I realized that none would say that, I got in the line. As I stood there I prayed that I was being rash, that there wasn't a spiritual cancer in the heart of the congregation that forgot forgiveness when it was needed the most. I prayed that someone else, anyone else, would say what was on my heart. None did.

At that time, I saw a very clear vision of America's destiny. I saw two paths ahead of the intersection of 9-11, and I knew that our reaction would determine which path we would go on. I knew for certain that we had to make the right choice, and go on the right path as soon as possible, because God would allow only seven years of this gross misrepresentation of Christ. I knew that if we fed the fear and the hatred in our souls, and if we believed that it was righteous, we would be doomed as a nation. I knew that we would be withered up in seven years time...and here we are. I also saw another pathway ahead of America, the high road. The way of peace, and mercy, and love. The way that normal Americans were when they responded to the victims of 9-11. I knew the greatest obstacle ahead of us was learning how important it is to love our enemies. And I knew that if we couldn't learn that, like the unforgiving servant, we would be judged as guilty by God himself.

4. In late December 2004, when the Tsunami hit, I felt like I was snapped out of a trance by the massive tragedy. It was then that I prayed for God to show me what was really going on in the world; if these were signs of the end; and if the Antichrist really was in power somewhere. I had an incredible hunger to get to the bottom of this "end of days" question, and to seek the truth at any cost. In short, I finally gave weight to some suspicions that I had for years...and my life was forever changed because of it. Two days later, I first saw the "Bush Is Antichrist" website, and a lot of things about the world seemed to come into sharp focus and make more sense.

5. In August 2005, eight months after coming to believe that Bush is the Antichrist, I started doing some real research about the 9-11 attacks. I soon realized that amazingly enough, 9-11 itself was carried out by a shadowy Western elite (and George Bush was in on it...which explains the strange behavior of the Secret Service that morning, along with a whole series of spiritual and moral questions). I later found out that Adolph Hitler created the Nazi dictatorship out of a German democracy based on "false flag" terrorist attacks, and the promise of enhanced security. But more on the serious Hitler/Bush connections in a later post.

6. Leading up to the 2006 elections, The head of the house I am living in was speculating that the Bush administration would stage another false-flag "terrorist attack" before the '06 Congressional elections. He felt that Bush couldn't afford to lose control of Congress to the Democrats that year, and so he would have to attack, or risk impeachment. My view was different. We all had our moments of speculation and analysis. We all wanted to know what would happen. This was the fall of 2006. My speculation felt more like a proclamation, and while it seemed pretty unlikely, I was very sure that it would happen. This is what I said:

"I believe that the Bush administration will wait until they're ready. I don't think they will be impeached unless it's part of the plan, But when they do strike, Karl Rove is going to be in legal trouble, and Bush is going to be going through some sort of Impeachment process. His impeachment will probably still be in debate on the house floor when it happens. Why do that? Because it would create a wave of sentiment for the Bush administration. They will go through the motions of being held accountable to what's left of the law, and then we will be attacked, to break the sovereignty of the law by the urgent need for security. The next major "Terrorist Attack" against America will happen right near the end of his term, because why would Bush waste his official time in office? He has no reason to attack until the clock is almost up, and he has to have some sort of excuse to continue in office, and that excuse will come from chaos. He will at least try to spin declaring Martial Law as a "public service", or a "last resort"...but it's really a massive power grab. I also think he struck a deal with some of the corporate heads who are a part of this Bohemian Grove / Bilderberg conspiracy. Bush promised to keep things peaceful for a set amount of time, so that they could maximize their profits, and maximize the debt of the masses during that time. I believe it's going to happen on September 11th 2008".

And here we are today...The economy is in shambles: we are experiencing a worldwide food and fuel crisis, an above-average abundance of Natural Disasters. In May of this year Asia experienced two extremely devastating natural disasters, Typhoon Nagis, and an earthquake in China. In June the Mississippi River flooded many areas along it's coast in the great floods of '08, and Dennis Kusinich introduced 35 articles for impeachment against George W Bush. In July, Karl Rove was held in Contempt of Congress because he didn't show up to testify in regards to the recent Justice Department scandal. So my improbable "speculation" has been coming true exactly so far.

On August 8th, The morning of the Olympics grand opening, Georgia (believing they were backed by NATO) began bombing the separatist region of South Ossetia (which is largely composed of Russian-speakers, and is part of the pre-communist Russian empire)...Russia fought back with a massive demonstration of military might, and there is talk now about how we are in a New Cold War. On August 18th, Perez Musharraf stepped down as president, leaving Pakistan in a "political vacuum". Things are shaky right now, and they could tip over very easily, but people are still looking away, still hoping for deliverance in the next presidential administration.

If there is a terrorist attack on September 11th, it would cause at least part of the "9-11 truth" movement to hit the streets in hope of starting a revolution. An attack on that day might also cause some gun-loving evangelicals to snap, and go on a crusade to kill liberals and "secular humanists" in the name of the Lord. Seven years is, after all, a very significant time-frame for people who are fascinated with the apocalypse in the mainstream church, and there are plenty of dangerous people who are obsessed with Armageddon, and have been taught for the past seven years that the "War on Terrorism" is righteous. So in some ways, 9-11 is the Achilles heel of America. After the reaction from the masses, Bush would have no choice but to declare Martial law, and use those Halliburton-built concentration camps to "quell domestic dissent".

In the movie, The Devils' Advocate, Al Pacino (the Devil) says, "I'm a surprise, they don't see me coming". Bush's plan is simple, and devious: it is to take over the world. He has the same ambition as Adolph Hitler...but for some reason, most people aren't willing or able to see that about him. He will strike on 9-11, and use the strike as an excuse to gather more power. And most just don't see him coming. But some do, praise God.


D. A. N. said...

Maybe the attack will not be related to Bush at all.

Meet Evans the Atom, who will end the world on Wednesday

It's a shame you are erasing my comments, but at least I get to talk to you directly which is my intention. I don't care if anyone else sees our conversations. I want to believe and I am watching I would love to be able to apologize to you but I just don't think that Bush will do anything this week. My eyes and ears are glued.

Take care.

young brother said...

Well it looks like your speculation about the particle accelerator was wrong.

Dan, you really don't understand where I'm coming from at all. I erased your last comment, because it was a continuation of your attacks. This comment is more subdued, but I know your true spirit is bubbling and churning under your now cordial appearance. How can you be so selective in your emotions, and yet fail to see how black and poisonous your aggressiveness is? It's beyond me. If I'm right, I hope that you will concede that God is in control, and that He does communicate with some of us on a deeper level...I believe that you will find some reason to continue justifying your own position, even if something terrible happens, but it would be nice if you prove me wrong about that suspicion.

In your last comment, you stated that you're afraid I might take matters into my own hands and do something violent, or stupid, in order to prove that I am a prophet.

It is not prophecy to claim that something will happen, and then to go and make it happen yourself.

I'm not trying to build myself up as a holy man of God (if you can believe it). These things are real. This is really happening. If God has spoken to me, then God alone will vindicate my claims, to the horror and surprise of many.

I don't write this blog for my own gratification. Barely anyone comments on it, although people from around the world read or find it every day. I want to be doing what any normal 25 year old should be doing. I want to be building my life, finding love and getting married, working with my hands and minding my own business. But I feel that God has called me to this work, to issue warnings about the world, the perverted American anti-christianity, and his certain return, judgment and restoration of the world.

If I am wrong about 9-11, I will probably continue teaching about the Bible here until January, but I will not speak any more prophecies. If and when Bush leaves office, I will leave the blogosphere (and be happy about it).

What are you prepared to do if it turns out that you are "completely wrong about everything"?

zilch said...

This is a new one to me: Bush as the Antichrist? At the moment, you have about 15 hours for something to happen. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

My question is: what will you do when nothing happens? Do you know about the Bible Code people, who have predicted that NY city will be nuked something like fifty times, from Scripture? You might want to check them out.

I truly hope that you are able to build a life, find love, and get married, or find fulfillment whatever that means to you. I know that I was drifting without a rudder when I was twenty-five too. Things do get better, if you love life. Hang in there.

cheers from overcast Vienna, zilch

D. A. N. said...

Psalm 91:4-5 "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;"

1 Peter 3:14: "if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled."

Hebrews 12:3 "For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds"

Fixing our eyes upon Him, we have no cause for fear.

zilch said...

Hey Dan, we have to stop meeting like this. What will people say?

Young brother: time's up, nothing has happened. What now? Buck up, move on, think about what is important to you. All the best to you in your search.

cheers from overcast Vienna, zilch