December 24, 2007

JFK warns nation of the danger of Secret Societies

The above video is, to me, one of the most compelling examples of who John Kennedy fought against in his nearly three years in office. It exposes who his enemies were, even though by nature they hide in the shadows. The video below paints the case against the CIA, Skull & Bones, and most specifically, George H W Bush in the assassination of Kennedy. Thankfully we have the vantage point of time to clearly see the lies of the past for what they are. Our responsibility is to use our advantage before it's taken from us in the coming police-state.


Joshua said...

good find young brother! The media's responsibility is to point out the government's error (protected by first amendment) so that the government can correct itself. the media fails if it reports on the trivial or sentimental. the media today is failing (CNN, Fox News).

where did you find this? did you google secret societies? haha

the book I ordered just came in. The End of America. Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. written by: Naomi Wolf. (written at the bottom- A citizens call to action)

Joshua said...

I wanted to share this. While we will not know the final day or hour, the events in this video are happening. Thought that you might want to see it! (a bit depressing though, but I remember, everything really does work out in the end)

young brother said...

Adam, good to see you here. You can email me at I met you at your house on Club, right?

Josh, I'm glad you liked the video, as far as finding it: I just searched "JFK" on google video, and it was on the first page of hits. By the way, if you haven't already seen "JFK2: the Bush Connection?" I've just added it to the post (obviously) It's a compelling presentation that pleads the case that George Herbert Walker Bush become trustworthy to the shadowy elite by participating in the killing of JFK. I am convinced that this is the case, and it only adds more weight to the idea that George W Bush is the antichrist.

I saw the video you shared, and thought it was interesting, but misleading. You were right to point out that none will know the day or hour

Recently I came to see this 2012 obsession (which has been the subject of several interesting shows on the History Channel) and the Y2K freak-out as bookends to deceive the western world about the truth of this age we're now living in. most of the rest of the world is already experiencing something which closely resembles hell...they feel the hot breath of the red dragon breathing down their necks.

To people who daily worry about basic survival, repentance is very close...but to us, insulated and comfortable, it can be inevitably delayed.

If we look off to the winter of 2012 as "the day of reckoning", we will be stripped of our present responsibility to repent. Likewise, if we think back to the fruitless scare of Y2K, we can reassure ourselves that city-destroying hurricanes, an epidemic of earthquakes, and tsunamis that kill hundreds of thousands of people are nothing to be worried about.

It's like a deception sandwich, with the prophecies being filled in between. Tribulation is not is here right now.

Anonymous said...

George Bush covering R.E.M's Its the End of the World song

Joshua said...

methinks that adam brown is a spam bot.

young brother said...

I believe you're correct, Josh. As you may now notice, I've taken steps to prevent spam-bots from taking over. What do you think of "JFK2"?

Joshua said...

I was initially turned off by the length. But PrisonTV is normally an interesting watch (though I rarely believe anything I hear on the first go).

I'm watching some right now, and it looks very interesting. I'll try to watch it tonight before I sleep.

happy upcoming New Years! My new year's resolution is to commit myself to God. any tips?

young brother said...

It will be worth the watch. I first saw JFK back in introduced me to the conspiracy world.

I think that's a great resolution for anyone to have. I commend you. My tips for you to succeed are First to root yourself in the scriptures. Read a little or a lot every day. Also, keep your prayers simple and direct, focusing on your belief that almighty God loves you enough to listen to your calls to Him. I prayed for God to show me the truth, after first admitting my inability to recognize it on my own, I then pledged verbally to go wherever he would lead me, and to do whatever he would ask of me.

If you're serious, then pray what's in your heart, and also pray for more wisdom (we can never have enough of it) The book of James promises that all who pray in faith for wisdom will be granted it. That's about all I have. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the video once you see it all the way through. Happy New Year!

Joshua said...

Book Of James

13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

I prayed for wisdom, and I just finished the book of James. The above versus really struck something within me. I remember sitting in church on several occasions and praying for wisdom to be granted for our President. Bush claims he receives wisdom from God. Yet his motives are selfish and for personal gain. His wisdom comes from the devil.

I am watching the JFK2 movie right now. It's interesting. I never let myself really study the whole conspiracy surrounding Kennedy. New "food for thought" for me- and thank you for your advice!

Joshua said...

Gah! I finished the video. what is up with the Bush legacy? Hitler, JFK, 911, anti-christ, ect ect. You really can't make this stuff up after a certain point (I believe I'm quoting Faithful Forever). I show my friends just half of what I find online and seeds of faith are being planted. "Seed" is a good word for it, as I will need to continue to be a witness to those around me, especially this year. Do good, never quarrel, be a witness: hard things to do that really matter to those that pay attention.

Do you have any advice for planting seeds of faith in those of Jewish faith? I have a friend who finds all this material very interesting, and wouldn't mind hearing more.

I'm still reflecting on James. I pray for wisdom and guidance.


young brother said...

The tangled truth behind the Bush family history is truly astounding. Most people wonder why I'm so starkly suspicious these days of all things "Bush", because they have absolutely no idea what sort of secretive imprint that family has left on America in the past 100 years.

That truth, mixed with people's general ignorance of it, makes me strongly believe that we are in for a few last nasty surprises in George dubya's last year in reign.

As far as planting seeds for Jewish friends, I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with Daniel (specifically chapter 7) and the writings of Isaiah and Jeremiah (as well as the lesser prophets, whose books are a few pages long). Once you've got a general familiarity, and you discover various verses which apply to our state today (and there are many such verses), share your discoveries with your friend.

Another pointer for a great prayer life is to fill them with thanks and admiration for our amazing God.
(simple, I know)

Joshua said...

young brother

random. but.

I read your profile. You have seen the movie "Waking Life", amazing no? It had a noticed impact on me. It stands as one of my favorite movies. My friends and I would debate on end during and after movie on a variety of issues raised in the movie.

--more on topic

but. these first days of the new year, i've had an overwhelming sense of peace. it's becoming easier to feel God during my day. i'm worrying less about future worries and plans, and i'm trying to simply listen more to his presence. everything is unfolding to his will it seems.

i rejoice!

young brother said...

The Lord promises to reveal himself to everyone that seeks him with their whole heart. You are very blessed to be on this path right now...even though it's not always easy. I definitely suggest that you get a copy of Sinead O-Connor's "Theology" (Which came out this last summer). Imagine a modern, Irish revolutionary singing the's very cool, very refreshing.

"Waking Life" started it for me. It was the first film I saw that smacked me right in the soul and left it's mark. Since then I've ventured on to discover "What the Bleep Do We Know", and the wonderful world of documentaries...
I love engaging films.

Anyway, Josh I am very grateful that you come here, and that you have gotten something out of this blog. I haven't forgotten the post I promised about music (check out Luke 3:8 for a hint) fact I may have to split that one up into two's just a matter of bringing all the pieces in together.